Aye Bee-Gar, Here There Be Moonbats for th' Takin'!

Misha at The Rot and some fellow scallawags have concoted a deliciously fun idea!
Learn about the newly formed "Pirate Armada"
Oh to be 20 years younger! I would have happily embraced this and been a very eager shipmate.
But this ol' seahag just doesn't have the fortitude for this anymore. My raiding days are done.
I will leave it to more capable hands.
But, I will support them and their efforts, if only by sporting their icon on this blog.
Besides, I dig pirates.
Bluto lays out the Pirate's Code, that ye must abide by.
This looks like fun.
LOL I dig Pirates too!
Oh - I just realized when I was fixin to hit send - blogger gives my old addy on these comments - it's now http://wwww.bluestarchronicles.com
Thanks for stopping by Beth!
We've read about your woes with Blogger.
How scarey, to say nothing about aggravating. It's made me begin to search for new digs, lest I vanish one day.Glad you're up & running again!
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