Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Things that Offend Muslims"

The list started over a year ago over at the blog "Amboy Times" keeps growing.
The documentary short "Fitna" (translated "Strife" from the Arabic) has just been added.

If you have anything to add, go over there and give 'em a shout.

On second thought, does anyone know of anything that DOESN'T offend them? Well, other than beheadings and really, really foxy she-camels, that is.
That could be a really short list!

Just an example of the pretzel logic they employ:

"If you call my religion a death cult, I will kill you.

If you say my religion is intolerant, I will kill you.

If you say Islam teaches hate, I will kill you.

If you say muslims wont assimilate and adopt western notions, we will kill you.

If you are gay, we will kill you.

If you are a Jew, we will kill you.

If you are a Christian who supports the Israelis, we will kill you now.

If you are a Christian, we may kill you now or later.

If you do not remove the movie "Fitna" from your website, we will kill you.

If you try and stop us from taking over by having as many children as we can and teaching them to kill, we will kill you.

If you say we are abusive to our women and hold them in slavery, we will beat our wives...and then kill you.

We are THE Religion of Peace, we are Islam.

We will convert you or kill you.

Have a nice day! "

UPDATE: Well, ain't this interesting! Here's an 'open letter' to Wilders about his lil' documentary that almost mirrors the tongue in cheek statement above!


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